I knew you'd look! I don't mean to brag, but my clients can't get enough of my six pack. Actually, it's a growler. I'm a self-proclaimed craft brewer. What were YOU thinking?
Funny how I stumbled into this. We bid on an auction item at an event in Richardson, Texas and actually won. The package included an opportunity to brew with a professional brew master and then take home the two cases we brewed. We had such a great time, we scheduled another session with him!
Years later, my passion resurfaced. When we moved to Golden, Colorado, my neighbor was a home brewer and I brewed several batches with him. Unfortunately, he may have been too passionate about his craft. His wife eventually made him get rid of all his equipment. Lucky for me, though. I bought it all from him. That's when things began to take off. I really started brewing on my own once we moved to Dripping Springs, simply because I missed all those Colorado beers that weren't available in Texas. Today, my hobby has become a huge passion point and I hope to someday capitalize on it all. In the meantime, I love to share my craft brews with friends, neighbors and clients.