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DIY Done Wrong (and Right)!


Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Man who electrocuted from bad diy

Over the years, I have seen some crazy projects to get a home ready to list. Some were good – some not so much. When considering what project to take on to add value to your home in hopes of recapturing your investment or more, make a few notes of what it is that you should be focusing your time and efforts on.


Curb appeal and backyard pizazz can honestly make or break a project. I have pulled up to homes with clients before and they asked to move on just because of the outside landscaping. Wow, the listing side didn’t even have a seat at the table because folks didn’t step inside your home. On the flip side, I have had clients who focused too much on how beautiful the outside appeal looked and failed to take into consideration if the functionality of the home fit what their current needs were.


Master Bathroom

While a DIY project sounds like fun, it can really ruin the spirit of what you are trying to accomplish. A fresh coat of paint can go a long way but can also cause a rift when it comes to color selection. Building shelves in a closet may sound like an easy task but once you dig in you may find you don’t have the skill set to make it look professional. All of these projects could be potentially taken on by you and your mate, but hiring an outside firm to do may make more sense. Much of the work should be warrantied and transferable to the new homeowner. What a nice sell sheet to leave behind for folks to reviewing when touring your home. Check out the sellers tab on for some local contractors that I have had great success with in the past.

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